Knowing that your child’s future is in your hands and that there are so many tasks to complete before their 18th birthday, it can be exhausting. One of the most important things to focus on is making movement in your day-to-day life with your special needs child, and ensuring you have the tools and resources to help support their transition into adulthood.
A great place to start is by completing the special needs survival tasks list in our special needs survival kit before your special needs child turns 18. The kit provides you with the information you need to make sure you have the resources to properly care for your child, as well as the necessary documents to ensure they have access to the benefits they are entitled to.
It is also important to recognize the difficulty faced in getting special needs workers into the workforce. Many employers are hesitant to hire someone with special needs, and often lack the resources to provide adequate support for them. As a result, it is important to seek out support from organizations that are dedicated to helping special needs workers gain employment.
Be Blessed,